regenerative farming


We are excited to be part of the growing regenerative agriculture movement, and use farming practices that actively reverse environmental degradation while producing food that is more natural, flavourful and nutritious.



We run a small herd of Angus-Wagyu cattle which we breed and manage with holistic principles. Our 120 acres is divided into 16 smaller paddocks that we rotate the cattle through every few days. This improves the organic matter in our soils which actively removes carbon from the atmosphere. The cattle’s natural behaviour (plant biting, saliva, urination, defecation, trampling) interacts with the pasture and its supporting soil, adding plant littler and manure which earthworms and microorganisms decompose. The process of decomposition releases nutrients which strengthens the pasture and builds humus which stores plant nutrients, holds moisture and improves soil structure, thereby acting as a carbon sink. Over time and with the support of all the people we hope will engage in activities on our farm, we plan to implement a “silvopasture” system - planting trees into our pastures. This has a huge range of benefits including improvements in carbon sequestration, water retention, biodiversity, soil health and animal welfare.


We are building a food forest system on our farm - starting with an orchard behind the restaurant and two 100 meter rows on the adjacent North-facing hill (we will continue expanding these rows over time). We are using techniques that strive to re-create and mimic the natural processes of a forest by interplanting a diversity of food crops, forest trees and bio-mass plants which mature at different times, occupy different strata, and support each other to prosper. By actively pruning and mulching the plants within the system; we build carbon-sequestering humus and soil fertility at an exponential rate - thereby reducing the need for external inputs and improving the soils’ ability to retain water. We recycle all of the food waste generated by the restaurant into compost which we use on our orchards. A highly productive food forest is the the result - generating a diverse abundance of all-natural foods and a bio-diverse environment brimming with life. We would like to thank our friends at Banyula Agroforestry for helping us start on this journey.


We have a quarter acre market garden where we grow a variety of different herbs and vegetables using organic gardening techniques such as composting, mulching, crop rotation, companion planting, and all-natural organic fertilisers.